Saturday, January 29, 2011

Don't look now....

Just when we thought our family was on the mend, the vomiting began. I hadn't been able to go grocery shopping for about 2 weeks due to the fact that our family had been so sick. So Paul and I decided to go and do a large shopping trip while Thomas was at school on Friday. We took Jack and Amelia along with us. They both did great at the store, but Amelia acted like she was really tired the entire time. Having just recovered from the flu, she probably was exhausted. We got home and she layed down on her dad's chair. She started to complain that her tummy hurt. Just as a precaution I got her the barf bucket, but as it always goes in our house with her as soon as she started vomiting a few minutes later she refused to use the bucket and just vomited all down the front of herself and on the chair. This was the start of a series of bouts of vomit over the next 12 hours. She continued to refuse to use the bucket so we went through a lot of blankets, sheets and towels. She also took about 6 baths in a 6 hour period. Everytime she'd vomit she'd then start begging to eat something. Its heartbreaking having to tell your sobbing little girl that she can't eat until she stops vomiting. We were very concerned that she might get dehydrated, and she started complaining that her ears hurt so I took her into the urgent care center to be seen. Paul was busy working on a hat order, so that meant that I was in charge of the kids. I called and asked Jaymi how brave she was feeling, and the answer was pretty darn brave because she agreed to watch both Jack and Thomas while I took Amelia to the doctor. This was the first time I had ever left Jack with someone for more than about 15 minutes. Jack did great as long as Jaymi or Ron played with him. Anyway... Amelia ended up not having an ear infection, but the P.A. was very compassionate and did give us a prescription for phenergan to help her to stop vomiting. We're home now, she's had the phenergan and so far it seems to be working. Here's hoping that we're finally on the mend.

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