Friday, January 7, 2011

Hot cross buns.

There's a new development in our house. Amelia is A LOT like her Grandma Jerri in many ways and I keep finding more and more ways that they are alike all the time. The newest way that they are alike is that they are both cold blooded and one of the ways that they fight against this in the winter is to stand on the heat registers in the house. If you are ever looking for Amelia there are a few places in our home to look, standing on any of the heat registers in our home. She wears her purple princess dress right now so she stands over a register and if the heat is on it puffs her skirt up and makes it look like she has a huge hoop skirt on. Today she was standing on the register that is right behind my chair that I sit in to hold Jack. The register was not on at the time so she said to me that the heat wasn't working and she was cold. It's so funny. She actually got out of bed tonight because she couldn't sleep and asked if she could stand on the heat to warm up. She's very inventive.

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