Wednesday, January 5, 2011

There are starving children in China!!!

My son, Thomas, hates it when I actually cook dinner because it means that he doesn't get to choose what he gets to eat and he has to eat something disgusting like lasagna, spagetti, tacos, etc. My New Year's resolution is to cook more meals for my family instead of having "fend for yourself nights". Tonight I made Mongolian Beef Stir Fry. I made my family sit down at the dinner table like normal human beings and eat what I had fixed. Thomas was having a fit because the dinner was "disgusting". I had a vision of that scene from A Christmas Story when the mother was tellling the little boy to eat and to think of all of the starving children in China. It didn't work with Thomas, but he did eventually eat most of his food. He's going to learn to like my cooking whether he wants to or not!!!
Tonight Millie decided that if she couldn't wear her princess dress (because it's dirty) than she'd like to watch the princess show. She picked out Beauty and the Beast to watch. After watching it in her room for about a half an hour she came out to inform me that she's not afraid of the beast like the other princess is, and that the beast is hers. She's so funny. When it was over she decided she wanted to watch it again. When I went in to her room to restart the movie she was dancing by herself and singing the theme song from the movie. I just love walking in on moments like those. They are so precious.
There's also another not so precious behavior that Amelia has started. Anytime we walk in and find her doing something that she's not supposed to do and she knows she's in trouble she turns and puckers up her lips and starts to smack them together. She thinks that if she immediately kisses us than all is forgiven. She's one smart cookie!

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