Thursday, January 27, 2011

Would you like fries with that?

I already recorded this happening on my Facebook status today, but I know that if I want to keep this long term I need to blog it. This morning I was running around trying to meet all of the needs of my kids. Jack was whiny, Millie wanted hot cereal instead of biscuits that I was already making and Thomas was asking about a million questions about everything. I sat Millie at the table and she requested her sippy with some lemonade. I got her the drink she requested and thought that Thomas had also asked for something to drink. I went about doing all that I needed to do, and included getting a drink for Thomas too. As I handed it to him he gave me a very quizzical look and stated "I didn't order a drink, I ordered something to eat." Excuse me.... do I look like a short order cook to you?!?! Did he actually say "order"? I guess I know what he thinks a mom's job is. Oh well, he'll be very shocked when I give him the check, especially when I've already figured in a 20% tip. Oh how I love my sweet little boy.

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